Graphite is an allotropic modification of carbon, therefore it is a non-metal. In general, non-metals do not conduct electricity. Carbon is from the same group as silicon and germanium. It can be assumed that it is rather a semiconductor.
Graphite is an electrical conductor not a semiconductor. The C atoms in graphite are arranged in parallel planes with hexagons in the planes (strong bond - sp2 hybridisation), and a pi (weak) bond between the planes. This pi bond gives the free electons for electrical conduction for graphite. Thus graphite is electrical conductor, not a semiconductor.
Graphite is anisotropic in this respect, within the graphene sheets it is conducting with all the special features that got people excited about graphene in the first place while in an ideal crystal there would be barely any conduction between the sheets.
Now, if you take natural graphite, you have lots of defects and limited undefected size sheets which means that it will behave more like a semiconductor.
Karbonun grafit yapısı elmas yapıdadır ve yarı iletkendir. Karbonun grafit yapısı yapısındaki bazı zayıf bağlardan dolayı elektriği iletir. Ama az iletkendir. Grafit yapıdaki atomlar karbon ve elmastaki kadar güçlü değil ve yapısındaki birkaç zayıf bağdan dolayı elektriği iletir.