11 November 2016 8 4K Report

hi i have been honing my skills in western blot over the past month and have been getting faint bands despite loading 100ug total protein, and varying levels of antibody dilutions. my ponceu staining turns out 'fine' for my 100ug but i have been noticing that the protein ladder (can be used as a gauge of my samples in other lanes) have been disappearing gradually by the time i detect my housekeeping protein in actin.

first day: run SDS page, western blot, blocking in milk for 1 hr,  probe for protein of interest using primary antibody overnight at 4 degrees.

second day: wash in tbst 3 times 5 mins each. incubate in secondary antibody that binds to primary antibody, wash in tbst 3 times 5 mins each, block in milk 5% for 1 hr, probe for actin using primary antibody for 2 hrs RT, wash in tbst 3 times 5 mins each, incubate in secondary antibody that reacts against primary antibody 1 hr----> then detect using ECL substrate.

what i notice is as i progress throughout these steps, my protein ladder bands get fainter and fainter. why is this and does this mean my protein of interest lanes are also 'degrading'?

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