31 August 2020 10 613 Report

Hi Everyone, I am a perspective mater's student at UCSD. I been working on cloning and sub-cloning recently, I have ran into some issues; therefore, I just wish to see if there's any good trouble shooting tips that I can try.


I successfully cloned a 2kb gene encoding a yeast kinase into the pBluescript II KS (+) vector with a PCR-based cloning using the restriction enzymes SpeI and ClaI. The size of the final product is about 5kb. The final product is transformed into DH5α competent cells. The integrity of the insert was confirmed by sequence.

Current Experiment:

Now I am trying to sub-clone the insert from these pBluescript + Insert plasmid into pRS423 and pRS424 vectors with SpeI and ClaI. I normally set up a 20ul reaction with 2ug of DNA, 10 units of each enzymes (Total enzyme volume = 2ul), and final concentration of 1x cutsmart buffer for both the pBluescript + Insert and the vectors. The reaction is incubated at 37 degrees for 4 hours, and the enzymes are inactivated at 80 degrees for 20mins.

However, when I ran the product on gels, the "digested" pBluescript + Insert only gives me a strong band at 5kb when I am expecting two distinct band, one at 2kb (Insert) and the other at 3kb (pBluescript). For the pRS423 and 424 vectors, I often see a strong band at 6kb and a faint band a little bit below 3kb (I obtain a similar pattern when these vector were digested by either ClaI or SpeI alone)

Interpretation and Troubleshooting:

Based on the gel I got, I suspected that one of the enzymes in the double digestion failed to cut, resulting in band at 5kb for the pBluescript+Insert and bands at around 6kb for the pRS vectors. I reviewed the two restriction enzyme I have chosen for the sub-cloning. I noticed that ClaI is sensitive to supercoiled plasmid DNA, and ClaI activity is also blocked by dam methylation. I double checked the resource on dam methylation provided by NEB (https://www.neb.com/tools-and-resources/usage-guidelines/dam-and-dcm-methylases-of-e-coli) to made sure that ClaI is not blocked by dam methylation on my.

I also suspected that ClaI might also have trouble cutting the supercoliled DNA plasmid. Therefore, I modified the protocol based on my mentor's suggestion. I will add 10 units of SpeI into the reaction and allow it to incubate at 37 degrees. After one hour, I will add 10 units of ClaI into the same reaction and allow it to incubate at 37 degrees for another three hours, the enzymes are then inactivated by heat at 80 degrees. The rationale behind this modification was that if ClaI truly have trouble with supercoiled plasmid, maybe the first hour of incubation with SpeI alone will allow the plasmid to relax so ClaI can cut. However, even with this method, I still can't get the two bands (2kb and 3kb) I expected from pBluescript+ Insert.

I was wondering if you can help me with troubleshooting the subcloning? Maybe something I overlooked in the process or something I could do to improve the double digestion reaction? Thank you in advance. If there's any part of this post is unclear, I will be more than happy to provide additional information.

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