My current research question is looking at whether children at 5-8 months of age have memory. To do this, we have run an eye-tracking study doing 3 encoding slides and 1 test slide. in the encoding slides, we show an image in each and in the test we have 1 old and 1 new. The looking behaviour of the child toward the "new" vs "old" image is collected as separate DVs. We are also interested to see if children have different looking behaviours towards different emotions of faces so the 3+1 slides will either have all happy or all angry faces (2 different conditions - happy angry), and all children will do both (within-samples/repeated measure), counterbalanced.
For the analysis, we are comparing OldNew X HappyAngry, but we want to control for other covariates, eg. If there was parent interference (we have a column labelled 1, interfered, 0 no interfered) or whether the number of trials (only 1 trial or all 3 trials, per condition) that went into the average looking to old or looking to new created significant variance/ impacted the data). The annoying thing is trying to input this as a covariate in a repeated measures ANOVA because there is eg. number of trials for Happy and number of trials for Angry, in separate columns so 2 covariates would go in?
Wondering if anyone has any suggestions? Appreciate all the help, thank you! - Karen