I am trying to estimate the most likely number ok K using MCMC (Markov Chain Monte-Carlo Inference Of Clusters From Genotype Data) function in Geneland R-package by Gilles Guillot et al. I am a lit bit confused when it comes to varnpop and freq.model arguments
In the package reference manual https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/Geneland/Geneland.pdf one may read:
varnpop = TRUE *should not* be used in conjunction with freq.model = "Correlated"
From the other hand, other manual http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/~gigu/Geneland/Geneland-Doc.pdf recommends example of MCMC usage which looks like this:
MCMC(coordinates=coord, geno.dip.codom=geno, varnpop=TRUE, npopmax=10, spatial=TRUE, freq.model="Correlated", nit=100000, thinning=100, path.mcmc="./")
I am not sure how to reconcile these two contradictory pieces of information, any suggestions?