Hi Im doing my investigation proyect about marine bacteria and I want to measure biomass but i read a protocol about marine ecology but it doesnt specified how to calculate biomass.
I do disagree completely. Ocean bacteria are not homogeneous.
If you want have general information on bacteria (without necessity to estimate energy/carbon pathways within the food web), Direct Numbers are sufficient and, to my knowledge, better accepted that coefficient calculated biomasses.
If you need well calculated biomasses, it is essential to calculate a biovolume using Image analysis from photos. There is an allometric relation of specific (per volume) carbon content that should be applied along with the biovolume measurement
However, Image analysis programes (if bought from microscope companies) are extremely expensive (Lucia for Nikon (Czech software) is very nice; used by my colleagues). Do not worry, if you are poor (de una familia numerosa de padres campesinos, enfermos... como se dice en Mexico), you are able to use, e.g., ImageJ freeware and to combine it with specific macros for, e.g., Excel.
If you need some more help, do not hesitate to contact me directly ([email protected])
Un abrazo
Mirek Macek
O bien, si existe un programa del intercambio con la UNAM, con gusto te podría recibir (el problema es únicamente el boleto de avión, de la otra parte me encargaría). Aunque mi principal interest son los ciliados, necesito calcular biomasas de su comida.