Good day house.
I am conducting a research on hemoparasites like plasmodium, hemoproteus, leucocytozoon (Phylum Apicomplexans). Before running my PCR, I intend to check my PCR primers using in silico PCR in the UCSC Genome browser. But I can't find any genome for protozoans/parasites, rather only genomes for the hosts of these parasites are there - homo sapiens, megabats, microbats etc.
Please how do I go about this? I mean which genome can I use on the UCSC genome browser to conduct in silico PCR for protozoans/parasites given that their genomes are not listed?
Secondly, what tools can I use to assess my PCR primers? I mean tools that will easily tell me whether there are hairpins in my primers and possibility of self dimer?