Dear Friends
I am simulating flow around a circular cylinder at Re=3900 ...but I got the value of Cd=1.4-1.6 which is very high compared to the experimental results. In available literature, the Cd=1.0
My problem details are:
Domain size=5m * 3m * 0.2m
Dia of cylinder=0.1m
Viscousity=1.6e-5 kg/m-sec
Timestep=0.02 which is small enough
In Reference,
Characteristic lenght=0.1m
Projected area= 0.1 * 0.2=0.02
The velocity and pressure contour plots are in good pattern as expected, but the Cd and Strouhal number is not looking fine. My St=0.22 where experimental is around St=0.2..
Thanks in advance for help.