Hi, everyone i am going to use FCS- depleted exosomes From Thermofisher, for primary cell culture of bovine oviduct epithelial cells , and i am wondering if i need to inactivate it befoe its use
Judging from the product description the exosomes are removed by ultracentrifugation of the serum without heat application. In this case, natural IGG's are still present in the serum and its heat inactivation may improve your culture growth. Even if you perform double heat inactivation of the serum it will not render it's useless slightly degrade it's quality at worst. You can also prepare a small amount of the media with heat-inactivated serum and without and see which is best for your cell's growth.
In general FBS is heat inactivated to remove complement activity that is unfavorable for cell growth. So in my opinion non-inactivated FBS is the the unusual one that have to be bought explicitly. Exosome removal can be done for both types of FBS, so I would guess the one you are talking about is already inactive. But in case of doubt read the product manual or contact Thermofisher ...
To inactivate the complement, FBS should be heated but some of the FBS are already inactivated which can usually be found on the product manual, so taking a look at it may help.