Hey folks,

I was hoping someone out there could point me in the direction of a good review / dummies guide to expressing plasmids in neurons? I have a construct that I'd like to express in neurons (it woks fine in HEK cells but the CMV promotor is unhelpful for my needs), so need some guidance on things like Kozak sequences, number of nucleotides between promotor and the start codon, etc. 

I also have a rookie question: will plasmids designed as helper plasmid for AAV/lentivirus expressions systems also express well enough using in utero electroporation or lipofectamine / nucleofection transfection of primary neurons? Or will I need a different backbone? 

Apologies if these are dumb questions: I'm an electrophysiologist by nature, but I am reasonably comfortable growing plasmids, using restriction enzymes, doing ligations, etc.

Thank you in advance!


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