Dear Researchers
Kindly comment on the problem I am facing during titration.
To quantify chlorides ion in concrete, I prepared the sample following ASTM C1152. The chlorides were extracted from 10g concrete powder and the concrete I am testing is composed of OPC or FA/GGBS blends (FA/GGBS blended concrete is a geopolymer concrete with various alkali concentrations).
Now the problem is, when analyzing concrete samples, EP point was not detected but when analyzing blank sample (without concrete and with 2 ml NaCl) the EP point was detected at around 1.98 - 2 ml AgNO3 volume. I repeated the test atleast 10 times both on concrete and blank samples, each time the result is same.
What could be the possible problem? I am following the steps mentioned in the standard. since the blank titration was accurate, I assume there is no problem with titrode or machine.
One more thing I want to mention is, I successfully found EP for sample extracted from FA/GGBS geopolymer concrete activated by low Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio activator, where NaOH concentration was 8M.
Additional information: I am using Metrohm titrator and titrode is Ag with AgCl coating. Sulfides were not removed by oxidation (yet I was able to find EP for geopolymer concrete activated by low Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio activator, where NaOH concentration was 8M)
Kindly share your opinion so that I can rectify the methods I am following.
Thankyou in advance