16 December 2020 1 10K Report

Hello everyone,

due to a calculation error in the spreadsheet, the splenocytes I used were wrongly diluted. As a result, the number of cells per well are identical for each mouse, but differ between mice. As the ELISPOT result is stated in spots per 1E6 cells, can I adjust this based on the actual cell number?

As an example, instead of 1E6 cells, the well only contained 5E5 cells. If I cound 200 spots, can I state the number of spots as it were if I had added the correct cell number? So here, instead of 200 Spots / 5E5 cells i would plot it as 400 spots per 1E6?

A repeat would of course be most accurate, but I was out of plates and peptides. The cells are frozen, so I can repeat the assay in the new year sas well.

looking forward to any help you can give me.

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