I have used carbon quantum dots (CQD) as a co-sensitizing agent in the dye-sensitized solar cell. The photoanodes were made using TiO2 anatase paste by doctor blade technique. TiO2 anatase paste was prepared using 0.65 gram ethyl cellulose, 8 ml Terpineol, and 5 gram TiO2 anatase powder. Photoanodes were sintered at 450C for 1 hour. CQD absorption was done by soaking the photoanodes in the CQD solution for 6,12 and 24 hours and N719 (1mM, 0.5 mM) dye was used for sensitizer. When the CQD was doped, the photocurrent and the IPCE value were always lower than without CQD loaded photoanodes in my solar cell. Why does this happen? In most papers when the CQD/GQD is used, the photocurrent and IPCE values are increased, but not in my sample. How can I overcome this problem?

Could you explain the possible reasons? Your suggestions will be highly appreciated.

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