I've spent more than 6 months trying to reprogram PBMC's to obtain iPSC.
I already did this protocol before, I've experience handling this type of cells. However, since I moved to a different lab that I'm trying to stablish iPSC lines and I'm not being successful.
I've tryed doing using feeder (MMC-HFF/commercial irrMEF) and feeder-free (matrigel+mTeSR and geltrex+E8 flex) and suddenly my iPSC colonies start dying and I'm not able to pass them.
Attached you can find my iPSC in MEF feeder, at different timepoints post-transduction. Do they look "normal"? I always used irrHFF before but in my current center we dont have a gamma-irradiator. In HFF they looked different so I don't know if this is normal or not