09 October 2018 3 912 Report

Hi all,

I am trying to implement the perforated patch-clamp method to assess intrinsic excitability in mPFC slices from adult rats (PND 70-90).

Maintaining enough positive pressure in my electrode holder has always been a limiting factor in my rig, while working with the regular whole-cell patch clamp. My first attempts to work with perforated patch clamp using the regular Amphotericin B solubilization in DMSO (followed by tip filling the electrode with antibiotic free internal solution and back-filling with the internal containing Amphotericin B), are being especially frustrating given the requirement to keep positive air pressure to a minimum, due to the limitation I always have in my rig.

In the references below, I saw this alternative method to solubilize the antibiotics.

"An alternative method used the bipolar molecule N-methyl-d-glucamine (NMDG) to help disperse and solubilize nystatin or amphotericin B. A stock solution is made from a 0.1 M solution of NMDG dissolved in methanol (pH adjusted to about 7 with methanesulfonic acid in the presence of 0.01 M phenol red) to which nystatin (5 mg/ml) was added. Immediately before use, 50 ml of the stock solution is placed in a polyethylene test tube and dried completely with a stream of N2 gas. Pipette solution is added to the tube and briefly vortexed. The pipette solution can be filtered through a 0.22-um syringe filter; tip filling is not required (hence perforation is achieved more rapidly). Positive pressure can be applied during the approach to the cell, which makes this particularly useful for blind patch-clamping in tissues slices."

Endo K and Yawo H. J Physiol. 200 Article μ-Opioid receptor inhibits N-type Ca2+ channels in the calyx...

Ishibashi, Moorhouse and Nabekura. Patch Clamp Techniques: From Beginning to Advanced Protocols, 2012

Since it is compatible with applying positive pressure while approaching the cell, I am really tempted to give it a try. However, I haven't found any other citation of the method in the bibliography and I wonder if there is any reason for that.

Does anyone have experience with this alternative method? Any feedback and advice would be greatly appreciated!

Please, let me know if there is any further information that you need

Thank you so much in advance.



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