I intend to express a protein (enzyme) from a bacteria after PCR amplification and transforming into E.coli. The target gene is from a cold adapted bacterium and the enzyme is active at 10 degrees.

1. What should be my consideration during PCR amplification of the target gene. ( I dont want to create cDNA library and screen for my target CDS). Should my PCR product contain only the coding sequence?

2. What about the UTR's? Should I consider the 5' and 3' UTRs while designing primers for the target gene. Should my PCR product span the (5'-UTR-coding sequence-3'UTR) region or just the coding sequence starting from start codon to stop codon. (Although an expression vector contains RBS and strong promoter)

3. Will the upstream and downstream forward and reverse primers of approx ~ 18-20 nucleotides containing restriction sites put for manipulation alter the reading frame of my target gene or it does not matter. Will the protein get expressed or folded properly?

4. E.coli which generally needs 37 degree (say BL21 (DE3)) for growth. what about my protein which is active at 10 degree, what will be its fate?

I am hoping to get clarified on these points, I may not be that expressive regarding my problem, but I believe you can figure out my dilemma.

Thanks everyone!!!

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