My field research was to study the interactions of teacher leaders in a teacher leader PLC in a primary school. I am curious as to any findings you'd be willing to share and any current scholarly literature that could influence my analysis.
You may find these articles useful for your research:
Jones, D. (2017). Constructing identities: Female head teachers’ perceptions and experiences in the primary sector. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 45(6), 907–928.
Fejes, A., & Köpsén, S. (2014). Vocational teachers’ identity formation through boundary crossing. Journal of Education & Work, 27(3), 265–283.
Also, since you are interested in teacher identity, I'd suggest these articles on the conceptualization of role-identity and identity verification process:
Stets, J. E., & Burke, P. J. (2014). Self-esteem and identities. Sociological Perspectives, 57(4), 409-433.
Brenner, P. S., Serpe, R. T., & Stryker, S. (2018). Role-specific self-efficacy as precedent and product of the identity model. Sociological Perspectives, 61(1), 57-80.