I want to detect the sumoylation status of protein lysate prepared from mouse tissue and skeletal muscle cell line (C2C12 cells) lysate and I am still trying to figure out which single antibody could be useful for this?
You can buy anti SUMO1 or SUMO2/3 from Enzo LIfeSciences. You can give a look at this manuscript for details: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0049630#pone.0049630.s010
Just be crefull as you know sumoylation is a very transient PTM...
Thanks Gualtiero for the link and suggestion and congrats for your nice article. It will definitely be helpful for me. I agree with you that sumoylation is very transient and one has to be careful.
Hi Ashraf, we make custom DNA aptamers as antibody alternatives if you find that the existing antibody options do not perform well enough. Please see more information at www.BasePairBio.com
Thanks for the information and the link. Frankly, I didnt know anything about aptamers before your post. This technology sound interesting and promising but I was wondering how much time will a custom aptamer designing would take and what input will you need from me to make specific aptamer of my interest?