13 Questions 69 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ashraf Rangrez
I would like to know if anybody has ever tried performing co-immunoprecipitation using a mix of two or more antibodies against a partcular protein (I mean not separately, but together in one set...
07 July 2013 1,479 10 View
There could be 1000s of journal in the field of biology, which a very broad subject. But certainly there could be limited number of journals for specific subjects e.g. crystallography,...
03 March 2013 7,786 10 View
Is there any journal dedicated specially to microRNA research, and accepts research and review articles associated with microRNA?
03 March 2013 4,077 8 View
Earlier I raised one question that what is the impact of a "review article" compared to a "research article" in scientific community. The topic was very well discussed but many of the topic...
01 January 2013 3,133 24 View
Is it advisable for PhD students to write their research articles all at once at the end of their PhD thesis, while or after completing thesis writing or they should be written and published as...
01 January 2013 8,704 91 View
I am wondering if every microRNA is regulated by the same transcription factors and regulatory mechanisms in all cell types it is expressed or every cell type has independent regulatory mechanism...
12 December 2012 6,321 29 View
I want to detect the sumoylation status of protein lysate prepared from mouse tissue and skeletal muscle cell line (C2C12 cells) lysate and I am still trying to figure out which single antibody...
12 December 2012 1,223 4 View
Is there any relation between pri-miRNA and lncRNAs?
10 October 2012 1,884 17 View
Is there a database of human genes and their association with genes? I mean a database where you can search for a particular disease and get a list of genes dysregulated in that disease condition?...
10 October 2012 753 2 View
There are almost 1000 or more microRNAs known for human / mouse / rat. I am wondering if the pri-miRNA and / or premiRNA sequences of all these microRNAs is also known? If yes, is there any...
10 October 2012 4,249 3 View
miRNAs control various physiological and pathological processes, but what controls microRNAs? What controls their switch-on switch off? Is there any miRNA which can be termed as a "super" miRNA...
10 October 2012 6,105 13 View
I know there are several databases where one can look for the miRNA targets. But does anybody know if there is any database or online tool to identify putative miRNAs against a given gene of...
10 October 2012 8,377 7 View
Writing a research article generally focus on a specific question whereas review article provides details in the field and at times is much more informative than a research article. I always...
10 October 2012 3,048 90 View