DNA structure and activity can change with environmental factors. But does experience such as sexual abuse create significant biological effects on DNA?
These type of researches are so important in detecting crime.
Just like environmental factors, psychological factors may have an impact on gene expression and its regulatory mechanisms but the extent of impact would be depndent on multifactorial aspects and would need to be ascertained in a case to case basis.
Good question, Structurally, probably not any change but function of organs will certainly change. As one grown in abusive environment is likely to behave bad than one grown in lovely environment. I agree with Safdar also. Different chemicals or hormones released in our body like cortisol or emergency hormones or suppressed factors, we are likely to behave differently physiologically differently.
Sexual abuse results in deleterious effect on brain developments and social behaviors, but it is still a normal biological function and wouldn't change the DNA structure and activities
If they use mutagens then yes it may change cause permanent damage. How ever gene expressions can be altered due to stress just like subpresssing a gene but it may not be a permanent damage.
DNA activity(Or may I say gene expression?) could be affected by epigenetic modifications, the later occurs due to several factors including environmental, chemical, hormonal, behavioral, and even nutritional factors. Child abuse could have a behavioral or hormonal impact.
Regarding structure (I guess you mean sequence,if you don't consider methylation a structural change) I'm not sure if such an event could lead to sequence changes but I don't think so.