Dear Ricardo Méndez Barozzi, In my opinion, the second half of the 19th century was characterized by a massive expansion of imperialism and colonialism not only in the Persian Gulf but also throughout Africa, Asia, and the Americas and to a lesser extent in Europe. the decline of imperialism and colonialism begins in the 20th century mainly after the Second World War and unfortunately, it has not ended yet. Thanks to globalization, the concepts of nation, nationalism, and racism are now obsolete, anachronistic, and outdated by history. Unfortunately, however, many States still pursue nationalistic, expansionist, and sometimes even racist policies of an imperialist nature.
Por supuesto. Mucho más que la evolución tecnológica, la naturaleza depredadora de imperios como los anglosajones es determinante para entender la hegemonía de Gran Brteaña, primero, y de los Estados Unidos, posteriormente.
Imperialism was and is a driving force of human history, dear Ricardo Méndez Barozzi as Juana Maria Arcelus-Ulibarrena excellently elaborated !
The bottom line of imperialism, from the view of Lenin, was that the rich capitalist nations were able to delay their final crisis by keeping the poorer nations underdeveloped and deep in debt, and dependent on them for manufactured goods, jobs, and financial resources. It is not surprising, then, that Lenin's theory of imperialism has been very influential, especially among intellectuals in the less developed countries, where his views have shaped policy and attitudes toward international trade and finance generally.
In theory, the relationship between capital-abundant nations and capital-scarce nations should be one of interdependence, since each needs the other for maximum growth, in practice the result is dependence, exploitation, and uneven development. The same forces that drive the ruling class to exploit the poorer classes of a society ultimately drive the capitalist core nations to dominate and exploit less developed countries.
Conclusion: the origin and nature of imperialism does not change, but the technical stage of domination; in this sense, imperialism and war are deeply connected as social phenomena.
THE GRAND CHESSBOARD American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives
Indeed and unfortunately, Dear Dr. Stephen I. Ternyik and Dear Dr. Ricardo Méndez Barozzi , as I previously considered, if we observe the real trajectory in diachrony, the great Empires before and the great powers after [derived from them] have always been and continue to be predators because they follow strict Institutional Rules that allow them to follow as predators, just think of the powerful machinery of this type created by the Great Roman Empire... and that's where we come from. Even the cases of Lenin or Hitler have their historical precedents because History always repeats itself and always needs to keep the sectors interested in a perennial antithesis in order to maintain the Imperial status, but to achieve this they have also used a brilliant and extreme “Propaganda device idealized ” to be able to establish itself and survive over time, for example, the case of the continuity of the Power of the Franco-Nazi dictator Francisco Franco turned out to be clearly a total masterful brainwashing that seems to continue to last in time at least for another generation or two. It is incredible what this type of “encrypted Freemasonry” is capable of in order to maintain its own Empire! Through its constant and effective “artificial programming”, Francoism-Nazism managed through its regular Newscast called NO-DO to keep a Middle Class “at bay” that apparently believed itself educated without realizing that not only History, but everything the rest of the Disciplines that were taught in the Educational Institutions had to be done essentially through the filter deliberately distorted by the Regime and with the complicity of the Intellectual world; All this scaffolding lasted 40 years and even today there are sequels that still prevent us from seeing the reality of the past and present with real clarity. For 40 years it was affirmed that there existed well-being with rigged unrealistic visions of NO-DO: it was forbidden to talk about poverty, it was forbidden to talk about crisis, the people were convinced that there was a "Economic Development Plan" and wealth was generated but the borders continued to be closed with the outside, the population was educated but falsely educated at the same time, you could not speak, you could not say “no”, nobody had to know who kept all the savings of all the alleged losers in the War eliminated by the Regime “in silence”, no one had to know that they and all the opponents of Francoism-Nazism continued to be tortured and used as slaves and therefore as laborers until their total disappearance; Francoism-Nazism itself ironically recognized that its Financial resources increased thanks to also to shipments by “Political exiles” from America to their familias who lived under this Regime. In the NO-DO they affirmed that there was an abundance of Capital when in reality it was not like that but in this way a situation of total dependence on the Regime was created, everything was apparent and fictitious, everything was unreal but the “beautiful Political Propaganda” of NO-DO I made it real for the “dominated class”, the rest didn't matter.
As for the theory of continuing to maintain underdeveloped nations in "constant dependence", it is already something chronic on the part of the Capitalist Sectors, but the fact is that today real growth is not achieved because the Capitalist Sectors no longer help each other in view of mutual growth, and the most surprising example paradoxical is the case of Venezuela where there is and is not an abundance of wealth, where there is and is not an abundance of capital, where there is only depredation and unbridled exploitation, where development has been lost for somewhere in the midst of inequality, where the ruling class is no longer even the ruling class, and is no longer even a "failed State" but a State dependent on the great roulette wheel of Imperial-type Power.
Article The fight against polio through the NO-DO newsreels during t...
Matud Juristo, Álvaro [2008] La incorporación del cine documental al proyecto de NO-DO, in Historia y Comunicación Social, vol. 13, pp.105-118. 14p. = This Documentary Film production of NO-DO - [1943 and 1981] has been largely unknown up to now. There are hundreds of documentary films that are very important sources of knowledge about the History of Political and Social Culture developed in Spain during the Franco Regime and about its cinematographic propaganda. The exhibitors had the obligation to exhibit the NO-DO Newsreel but they did not have the obligation to exhibit their documentary films, on the other hand, NO-DO did not have a monopoly on the production of documentary films. The reason for these important differences was the important private production of short Documentary Films and this production arose after the Ministerial Order of 10.XII.1941, which made the exhibition of Spanish short films mandatory.