I am looking for papers showing that the moon cycle (mainly through the light available at night) is having, or not, an impact on insect activities. I am especially interested on termites.
Activity levels of bats and katydids in relation to the lunar cycle
Animals are exposed to many conflicting ecological pressures, and the effect of one may often obscure that of another. A likely example of this is the so-called ‘‘lunar phobia’’ or reduced activity of bats during full moon. The main reason for lunar phobia was thought to be that bats adjust their activity to avoid predators. However, bats can be prey, but many are carnivorous and therefore predators themselves. Thus, they are likely to be influenced by prey availability as well as predation risk. We investigated the activity patterns of the perchhunting Lophostoma silvicolum and one of its main types of prey, katydids, to assess the influence of the former during different phases of the lunar cycle on a gleaning insectivorous bat. To avoid sampling bias, we used
sound recordings and two different capture methods for the katydids, as well as video monitoring and radiotelemetry for the bats. Both, bats and katydids were significantly more active during the dark periods associated with new moon compared to bright periods around the full moon. We conclude that foraging activity of L. silvicolum is probably influenced by preyavailability to a large extent and argue that generally the
I know the follow (on Neuroptera, my research topic): Bowden, J. 1981. The relationship between light- and suction-trap catches of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), and the adjustment of light-trap catches to allow for variation in moonlight. Bulletin of Entomological Research 71:621-629.
A classic is Clunio marinus, a chironomid. A recent paper about this species is:
Kaiser, TS; DG Heckel (2012). "Genetic Architecture of Local Adaptation in Lunar and Diurnal Emergence Times of the Marine Midge Clunio marinus (Chironomidae, Diptera)". PLoS One 7 (2): e32092. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032092
Another publication (for me of unknown quality):
Mader, Detlef (2010): Moon-Related Population Dynamics and Ecology of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus, Other Beetles, Butterflies, Dragonflies and Other Insects.
654 pages, Verlag Regionalkultur, Ubstadt-Weiher. ISBN 978-3-89735-645-0
The activity of insects are highly influenced by moon cycles. In the paper by Nowinsky, L., Petranyi, G., Puskas, J. 2010. "The relationship between lunar phases and the emergence of the adult brood of insects" they found that the emergence of the adult brood of several Macrolepidoptera and Coleoptera species is associated with a special lunar phase, most often with the Last Quarter. Please find attached the paper.
I considered the influence of moon surface illumination (influenced by lunar phase) on light trap catches of a variety of species of moth and Orthoptera (doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2011.00170.x). My study is perhaps not directly relevant to your question since light competition alters trap efficacy (reduced trap efficacy when moonlight is elevated) but insect activity is certainly altered by lunar cycle. I attach a pdf of my paper FYI.
Cullen (1969) wrote about the activity related to lunar cycle of Lethocerus maximus in "The biology of giant water bugs (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae) in Trinidad" (Proceedings of the Royal Entomogical (A) Society of London 123-134.). I did not have a pdf of this articel but another one about dung beetles (see attached file).
Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) use lunar illumination to orient themselves during nocturnal flights. Yellow underwing moth is a good example. See PDF for details...
Sotthibandhu S. and R. R. Baker. 1979. Celestial orientation by the large yellow underwing moth, Noctua pronuba L. Animal behaviour. 27: 786-800
Phillip, my question was more related to the Odotermes species found in the Kalahari, not the alates per se. I'm basically trying to understand if moonlight could affect bat-eared foxes diet through changes in insect activity.
I can give you some publication which you might be interested in:
Bowden, J.(1973): The influence of moonlight on catches of insects in light-traps in Africa Part I. The moon and moonlight. - Bull. ent. Res.63:113-128
Bowden, j.,& Church, B.M. (1973): dto. Part II. The effect of moon phase on light trap catches. - Bull. ent. Res. 63: 129-142
Bowden, J.,& Morris, M.G. (1975): dto. Part III. The effective radius of mercury-vapor light-trap and the analysis of catches using effective radius. - Bull. ent. Res. 65: 303-348
Bowden, J. (1984): Latitudinal and seasonal changes of nocturnal illumination with a hypothesis about their effect on catches of insects in light-traps. - Bull. ent. Res. 74: 279-298
Bowden, J. (1981): The relationship between light- and suction-trap catches of Chrysoperla carnea (STEPHENS), and the adjustment of light-trap catches to allow for variation in moonlight. - Bull. ent. Res. 74: 279-298