Right now our team is working on a prokaryotic genome assembly generated on a Illumina MiSeq sequencer. We are currently using SPAdes and IDBA_Hybrid for assembly of the reads into contigs. At the first time we don't tell the programs to choose a specific kmer size, after the assembly we ran a quality check of it with Quast, after choosing the best kmer size we run another assembly but now indicating the kmers sizes close to the kmer size that generated the best assembly the first time. The problem is that when we run an assembly with the same kmer chosen by the software the first time, the results are different, some metrics change drastically, usually worst than the first assembly with the same kmer size. Why does this happen? The only parameters changed are the kmers sizes when compared to the first assembly, and somehow this is enough to make a different contig list. Could someone help me understand why does this happen and how can a replicate the first assembly on second run?
Thank you all for the attention