Snowball metrics is used by to report some performance indicators. This metrics seems rather obscure from the mathematical standpoint. Unfortunately there is apparently (after a quick google search) no detailed mathematical paper with mathematical formula and simple numerical examples of this "metrics" showing how it is really calculated. This "snowball metrics" seems to make some fusion (or aggregation) of different metrics through only a web interface. But how this is done precisely and mathematically? What is the fusion process hidden under the hood?
This lack of transparency makes the method of quite doubtful, hazardous and maybe nor reliable and turstable (?). People using scival tools must know how it precisely works (if they want to figure out if this snowball metrics makes sense, or not). A full transparency of this metrics is very necessary imho for the benefit of all.
Is there somewhere a mathematical proof that "Snowball metrics" is a true metrics from the mathematical standpoint? Maybe I miss a good mathematical paper about this question, if so please just provide the proper reference. Thank you in advance.
Can someone provide clarification? Thank you.