Hi all,
Hoping for some troubleshooting/advice. Currently setting up a virus typing assay for routine use. I have the assay working with good sensitivity (regularly amplifies samples that are above 30 Ct in detection assays) using Superscript III/Platinum Taq One Step RT PCR (https://www.thermofisher.com/order/catalog/product/12574035) using the reaction in the in the photo and following conditions: RT 50 deg 30 min, 95 deg 15 min, 40 cycles of 95 deg 30 s, 50 deg 30 sec, 72 deg 30 sec, then 72 deg for 10 min. prior to starting T, i relax RNA by 65 deg for 5 min hen cool on ice (with reverse primer in mix), before adding enzyme. Primers are gene specific.
However, majority of our samples are converted to cDNA upon arrival to facility (using random primers), and so it would be easier to adapt this to a PCR assay. On a cDNA plate, I tried the reaction in picture 2 using the same cycling conditions as previously described but obliviously without the RNA relaxation or RT step (starting from denaturation). This was totally negative.
To troubleshoot, I ran a known positive using the OneStep assay as described above in duplicate, however, I stopped the reaction after RT and for the second replicate I took 5 ul and added to PCR as described in 2nd paragraph, whilst leaving the first replicate untouched, and continued the reaction to the PCR. In this case, the 1st replicate (One Step - untouched) worked perfectly whilst the sample split into a PCR didnt work at all (completely negative). This indicated an issue with the PCR itself since the RT must be working fine.
I tried to bring the reaction down to 25 ul with a 3 ul input to see if this would help however this was also negative.
Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.