11 November 2015 5 831 Report

Dear All,

I try to make 5x Laemmli buffer (10% SDS, 50% glycerol, 25% 2-mercaptoethanol, 0.02% bromphenol blue and 0.3125 M Tris HCl, pH approx. 6.8.) adapting from Sigma's 2X Laemmli buffer, but I find that is really difficult to make for the following reasons:

1. I try to make it without BME (as some protocol mention to add BME fresh), it seems impossible 50% Glycerol make the solution too thick to mix everything.

2. I try to make about 10ml solution. bromophnol blue is too hard to weight (only 0.02%). I try to make 1%bromophnol blue solution first by diluting to DH2O, but Bromophnol blue doesn't dissolve well in DH2O and leave quite undissolved particulates, and when mix everything with loading sample, it become nearly no color (very faint blue).

If I increase %bromphenol blue in 5x Laemmli buffer for example 1% in total, would it be too high.

Could you reommend how to make this or good recipe for 5x Laemmli buffer?

Thank you


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