I am going to start differential gene expression analysis between male and female gonads. Could you please tell me a current suitable bio-informatic tool
There are so many Bioinformatics tool available but if we know VC++ ( under visual ) is an excellent bioinformatics coding tool . JSON Coding will be also supportive in this purpose .
There are so many Bioinformatics tool available but if we know VC++ ( under visual ) is an excellent bioinformatics coding tool . JSON Coding will be also supportive in this purpose .
Your request is not very clear to me, but if you have some bioinformatical competences AND an annotated reference genome AND are using RNA-seq data, the most used pipeline nowadays is HISAT2+StringTie (both command-line tools) followed by Ballgown (an R package): https://www.nature.com/articles/nprot.2016.095
If you work on human you may find also some useful tools online.
Supposing you are using RNA-seq for your DGE analysis, there are multiple steps involved in the process. The key steps are reads mapping and differential analysis. STAR is a commonly used tool for mapping RNA-seq reads. DESeq2 is widely used for the latter. If you are unfamiliar with the whole analysis, here is a detailed description of the process:
You need to use several tools to perform both primary and secondary analyses. The documentation from DESEQ2 is highly usefull, I would suggest having a look at: