I am a student studying modeling 2T0C DRAM memory devices. I have a question about an oscillating issue for transient simulation in Sdevice.
The 2T0C below was structured with the "Sentaurus structure editor" in "TCAD". I am writing data to the stroage node through "Sentaurus device" and analyzing the retention characteristics of the stroage node.
The voltage conditions are as follows.
-when write data-
WWL: 1.5V, WBL: 1V, RBL/RWL/Substrate: 0V
-after writing data-
WWL: 0V, WBL: 0.5V(precharge), RBL/RWL/Substrate: 0V
In the attached "Write Pulse" photo, you can see the graph of "when write data".
In the "retention" photo, you can see the red line, the "stroge node", oscillating between about 0.2V and 0.9V.
I wonder if this is possible with TCAD's Centaurus device.
Thank you in advance.
SeongHwan Kong.