22 January 2018 0 6K Report


I'm programming a protocol in which the rat has to put his nose in the feeder box and keep it there for a certain time. The feeder is supplied with a photocell sensor, which serves as one of the response inputs (say, Input 1). Thus, activation of the photocell should be On1A1 and deactivation is Off1A1.

The protocol is the following (simplified):

S1 - starting cue: feeder light ON

GoTo: 1) nose in the feeder (photocell activated): On1A1 >= 1 -> Target: S2

S2 - delay

GoTo: 1) after a certain delay: sec >= 3 -> Target: S3 (reward)

2) if removes nose before time is over (photocell deactivated): Off1A1 >= 1 -> S4 (punishment)

Now, testing the protocol. Properly proceeds to S2 after nose-poke (On1A1, thus, photocell works). But there's no effect of removing the nose, it proceeds to S3 even if nose was removed before (Off1A1 is ignored).

I set a lot of indicators on the run-time display, and found out that:

1) "Input Total" of Off1A1 events is counted properly (also registered in the Log)

2) However, if I set a global (external) counter for Off1A1 in the given states, it does not counts Off responses.

3) If I set Off1A1 to On1A1 (so, testing whether an On response do work), both global counter and GoTo works properly (proceed to S4)

So, it seems that local and global counters ignore Off inputs.

Does anyone have already faced this problem? Do you know any solutions?

(p.s. I tried it with the real hardware (photocells and also simple levers), and also with the testing mode of GS run-time software, both resulted in the same error)

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