I am using miRNeasy isolation kit from Qiagen and using 100 micro liter serum as a starting volume. Centrifugation after chloroform addition gives only 2 phases after 15 mins, 4 deg and 16000 rpm spinning and aqueous layer appears bit cloudy. After elution with 32 micro liter of RNAse free water (supplied with the kit), I see a white pellet in final elution, and it gets dissolved after tapping. When I try to spin down the sample, pellet reappears. I am afraid it could be salts.

I have tried the following things:

- Using Fresh reconstituted RWT and RPE buffers.

- Freshly sterile tubes.

- New aliquot of water for elution

- increased no of RWT washes.

Please suggest if anybody has come across such a situation.

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