Since "The secret life of the plants" by Byrd and Tompkins 1974 about the Cleve Backster effect from 1966, little influence was seen in the sciences and humanities.
i have been wondering, how little his great descriptions of the Cleve Backster effect and much more had influence on the sciences and humanities, including agriculture and biology/botanics.
In short he proved, that plants first can be influenced positively as negatively by different kinds of Music and can be made grow better. Secondly -and this is the more difficult part and maybe the reason of fear and for not continuing his research - that plants can read your mind and react , which you can be measured by an electric device which was connected to the leaf (Kind of Skin resistance measurement).
(Backster, Cleve: Primary Perception: Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods and Human Cells. White Rose Millenium Press, Anza, CA, 2003;)
Many old cultures gave concerts in the fields to inhance the growing of their plants. They would not have done so if without success. But still our Industry prefers to sell chemical stuff and to pollute the Environment instead of giving Music to the fields. - But don´t we Need every means to feed the growing earth Population?
I invite you to answer to me what kind of agriculture you would prefer? What do you think about the whole issue?