12 December 2015 8 485 Report

The consumption of the rich People was always according to another Dimension of values in the past centuries.

But now there is a  Devaluation of values and by the loosing of a reasonable scale the values become inflated on a global scale.

A broader Population is reached by the advertisement of the "First" world inside and outside of it and thus its ideas of consumption of completely unnecessary things become propagated much more. And its production is cutting the sources for useful things and on the other side poisoning the world.

This poison is substantial and materialistic on one side known by detergents, chemical fertilizer, pesticides, antibiotics etc. which are used out of reasonable control. On the other side also there are poisons for the Soul and mind, concerning what you should possess, how you should treat certain questions according to the main stream of TV-  or political  or religious or scientifical ....   ideologies.

Even in a lot of Domains in the sciences you can see that ways are pursued which do not make sense any more, when thinking of a positive future. This is going on only because already some Investment has been done and as People think, you should still go on making some Profit with it as Long as you can.

Of course it is difficult in the Detail to determine where is the borderline to a poisonous behaviour. But spoken in a common sense many People feel, that we have to correct something.

How do you feel about this in your personal and professional field? Did the Definition of "values" Change? How can we deal with it? How to reach a more healthy way of interaction and reestablishing "Values" again to provide a better health to Body, mind and Soul as well as to a sound Environment including earth, nature and economics?

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