Hii, Could anyone please tell me if my calculation sounds right or wrong
Lets say, I have counted 500 cells in the 4 side squares of neubauer chamber and have done 1: 10 dilution with trypan blue
then, Cells / ml comes out to be =#cells/ml= [total number of cells counted (500) divided for the number of square counted (4)] multiply for dilution factor (10) multiply for chamber factor 10^4
500/4= 125 ; 125x10x10^4=12500000 cells/ml
My original volume in which cells are suspended is 500 ul, then
Total number of cells in 500 ul = 6250000 cells
And, if I want to plate 60,000 cells per well, then I should put 4.8 ul of the original cell suspension per well .