I need some suggestions for improving the ligation of a 750 bp gene into a pET28 vector (5500 bp) with Nterminal his tag and cleavage site of TEV.

I did a PCR of the insert with primers and restriction site on it and they had 5 bp overhang. I am working with NdeI and XhoI (FD enzymes). I cut the vector (1000 ng) with the enzyme for 1h at 37°C and gel sliced purified it. After purifying the PCR with the PCR purify kit I also cut it for 2h, and afterwards denaturated proteins and used the PCR purifying kit.

For ligation I mixed 50 ng vector with 40 ng insert. and incubated with T4 ligase in buffer for 30 min in PCR cycler at 25°C.

To control I did the vector without insert and added ligase. After ligation I transformed 2 microliters into top10 cells.

Colonies on background plate 4 and on insert plate 4. Picked all and did colony PCR and all empty vector. The cells are competent they worked for another ligation mix.

Any good advice for this combination?

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