I extracted pigments from a 5g spinach material. To do so, I diluted the leaft content with
100 mL acetone 90% (adjusted with pure acetone to obtain 100 ml).
I measured the absorbance of 10 ml from the extract (diluted 5 times with acetone 90%) :
0.678 for 663 nm
0.338 for 645 nm
In order to find the concentrations in chlorophyl a/b, I used the Arnon equations :
Chl a = 12.7 (0.678) - 2.69 (0.338)
= 7.7 mg/L
Chl b = 22.9 (0.338) - 4.68 (0.678)
= 4.567 mg/L
Are my concentrations correct ?
Finally I struggle to find the dry mass of pigments from the spinach leaf (mg/g).
How can I do this ?
Thank you for your help !