10 Questions 57 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hicham Mechqoq
Dear colleagues, I would like to know if there is a mathematical equation or model to calculate the Soxhlet number of cycles by varying the following parameters: - the type of solvent - the...
07 June 2021 8,889 3 View
Dear colleagues. while doing some bibliography I found some articles reporting essential oils yield values where the hydrodistillation extracted essential oils had higher yield values in contrast...
11 August 2020 8,000 0 View
dear colleagues, I want to know what is the difference between COSY and HSQC, what are the main differences, the data that can be extracted from them and their limitations? kind regards
15 October 2019 2,917 6 View
I have an open question that is not often asked, as a biochemist I'm working on phytochemistry field and have from time to time problems to solve, sometimes trying to solve a problem may lead to...
01 October 2019 6,558 4 View
dear colleagues, I'm doing a GC-MS analysis of presilylated extracts with BSTFA (essentially polyphenols) and i want to determinate an Index to compare with adams book (2007), which index should I...
01 October 2019 6,845 2 View
dear colleagues, I would like to do GC-FID analysis of some oils samples and I would like to do methyl esterification, what is the difference between acid esterification with 1% sulfuric acid...
11 September 2019 7,381 3 View
Dear colleagues, i'm doind the TPC evaluation of some Methanolic extracts and i want to know how to convert my results from mgGAE/gDW to mg/100g, i did some bibliography and i find that the...
20 August 2019 869 5 View
dear collegues, i would like to study the radical scavenging effect of some plant extracts against ABTS, and i would like to know if i can change the sodium persulfate with sodium sulfate and the...
29 July 2019 1,119 5 View
Dear collegues. I have analysed some extracts by GC-MS after sililation and i have obtained my report after comparing the results with the NIST database, Before doing more bibliographic...
04 March 2019 7,688 4 View
After the use of paper hack tools such as sci-hub the majority of journals prefer the open-access format where the authors pay the publication to be shared. Do you think we ll still have pay to...
01 January 1970 5,603 3 View