Hello Reaserchgate !
I'm a student in Heritage and I'm curently doing my traineeship in the science faculty of Toulouse where I inventory a lot of taxidermy.
I encounter difficulties to identify some of the animals and require your help.
Number 2 and 5 : I'm thinking about varanus dumerilii, but not quite sure.
Dimentions : number 2 is 37cm (long) / number 5 is 32cm (long)
Number 3 is 38cm (long) with the socle. Maybe an Uromastyx aegyptia ?
For number 1, I don't really know but it's 40cm long and 12 cm large.
Number 4 is 36,5cm long and 9cm large (with the socle), I don't know if it's just a lizard or a tiny monitor.
I can take more pictures of the details of course,
Thanks a lot !!