Yes, you can try. However, acceptance depends upon the quality of the research produced and originality of the undergraduate thesis, and it also depends on the size of your thesis. Journal may ask you to prepare a paper in concise form, reducing the size to + or - 10 pages and following Journal's format. Good luck
There exists the problem of size: a Thesis is usually an over 50 pages text, so it will be rejected due to size limits (7-20 pages, depending on the journal).
Of course my dear @Eddie! Such publications are highly preferred, especially in refereed Journals! In my country, at some universities, there is a requirement that two papers have to be published before the doctoral dissertation!
I agree with the above opinions too. Moreover, I'd love to have undergraduate students able to publish in a peer reviewed journal. This is unique indeed!
In top journals, competition is very tough: some accept only 1% of papers, so, the article has to be very good to get accepted, and the thesis has to be thoroughly rewritten. You can try some other good journals, but avoid "pay & publish whatever trash" type of journals (check for Beall's list of predatory publishers): publishing there will not advance your career.
I agree with Tiia V. often theses are too broad and too long for most journals. My suggestion would be to re-write the these in journal form using the ususal journal format. This would at least incresae the chance of the text being sent to a reviewer. I have heard from colleagues that a few journals are using open access format to encourage younger scholars. Each journal will have it's own format but it could be worth while to check out the journals in your field. I repeat Tiia in advising avoidance of the "pay & publisg thrash"!
Yes, certainly such a thesis can be submitted for consideration of publication. There is no such condition by any journal provided you meet all requirements set by the refereed journal concerned about the format, subject matter and the style sheet, etc.
If the thesis advances knowledge, by all means it deserves publication. Sometimes a professor meets a student who displays mature knowledge at a very early stage of his career. Why not, then, help boost the student while aiding the field? Publication of a thesis would also give a boost in morale to other students writing theirs and realizing that excellence would enable them too to be published.
Why not? It purely stays with the quality of research done and writing skills. I have published more UG thesis reports in refereed journals. I strongly agree with Dr.Kamal also.
The research work performed for an undergraduate thesis may be worth publishing. In our department there are 70 students in a final year undergraduate class and they are divided into 20 to 25 groups. Each group works under the supervision of a faculty member. So far my experience goes each year from at least one group, a research paper is communicated to an appropriate journal. The particular journal is selected depending on the quality of the work. Participating students along with the supervisor become the authors of the paper. Normally, as mentioned in some earlier posts, the size of the thesis is about 50 to 100 typed pages where the size of the paper could be less than 10 pages. I believe work equivalent to a paper more than this length may not be possible at the undergraduate level. Therefore complete thesis can never be published as a research paper. Also I have not seen that a complete undergraduate thesis got published even as a monograph from our department.
There are other possibilities also. Sometimes a big project is planned and the students at different levels are engaged to that project. The work requires different levels of intricacy and both undergraduate and postgraduate/PhD thesis may be planned from that. In those cases the quality of the work is much better.
If the Masters thesis is worth publishing is a peer-review journals, I can see no reason why not! I believe most universities allow the contributors in the thesis i.e. the supervisor to be co-author in the Masters degree or PhD degree when is re-submitted as a research.
The problem is whose name is the first in the research. Some systems allow the author to be the first name while others allow the supervisor to be the first name.
The main theory that has been produced bythe PhD work
A set of numerical or experimental applications of that theory
But, the whole Thesis probably is able to be published only for a special subset of disciplines, where it is a pure theoretical orientation. If experiments and other issues exist, then the size increases and cannot be published as a whole.
yes, if the training of the student is continuously monitored and is to the satisfaction. The quality of data produced by the student is assessed by a qualified supervisor on a regular basis.
Hi, Eddie, of course, you can submit and this is a common rule: if results is good and new! In many case master thesis became a basis of the paper in peer-review journal. However, consider one point: common requiremets to the master thesis (size, organization etc) is very different from the paper. For example, usually master thesis must contain at least 50 or even more pages, must include big introduction and lieterarture review. So, you can take only results part and reformat it accirding to journal rules.
As far as the results are interesting in the field, original, and represent new findings, there is no objective to publish it, I personally published results of some of my undergraduate students.
yes one must submit , because now a days undergraduate studies are being overlapped and leads into postgraduate research , so its a good idea to model and format the thesis into a paper and send fro review. it may further used as basis foundation for future research findings
One thing is important. When a portion of the work from undergraduate project is submitted for publication care should be taken to rewrite the write-up in a style suitable to the journal in which one is intending to publish. Because most of the time the undergraduate students are not experienced enough to write a research paper. Moreover if it is rejected then also one gets reviewer's comment and thus the paper may be improved by following such suggestions.
Undergraduate or something else: All this does not matter. One of the ideas in science is that scientists work together as emancipated partners and colleagues that, naturally, are responsible for the complete publication. - A scientific contribution, must be novel, original, reproducible, and scientifically sound. I can see no reason, why fulfillment of these (and a few other) criteria should depend on a degree or anything else that is not directly connected with scientific merits of the contribution. - Sometimes I have seen excellent publications that have been performed completely outside academic institutions. No reason, why this should not be appreciated.
Publication of any research finding simply depends on the quality of the research and how it’s written up. Generally, undergraduate research is focused more on the process of developing and applying the skills students have learned during their degree. However, if the research work is sound and the findings are of interest and will add to/build upon current knowledge, then it is worth reporting the results through publication in referred journal.
A comment on Christo Ananth's link. I think both junior and senior researchers seeking to publish will find the article useful. As a reviewer I often find that submitters do not use the simple rules the article encourages. Thanks!
Meaningful research findings resulted out of UG or PG or doctoral research can be very well published in refereed journal. In this context, adherence of journal.s guidelines and authorship norm is important as pointed out by Dear Mahfuz.
Definitely if your work is significant enough to publish. There are a lot of people out there who are publishing their undergrad work in reputed journal.