I'm going in depth to find correlation between normal & cancer cell... to find special characteristics which can help us to identify week prognostic profile.
The evolution of the cell-cycle is known to be influenced by environmental conditions, including lack of oxygen (hypoxia). Notably, hypoxia appears to have different effects on normal and cancer cells. Whereas both experience hypoxia-induced arrest of the G1 phase, experimental evidence suggests that only cancer cells undergo hypoxia-induced quiescence.
We develop a cell-cycle model to account for the action of the protein p27. This protein, whose expression is upregulated under hypoxia, inhibits the activation of the cyclin dependent kinases, thus preventing DNA synthesis and delaying normal progression through the cell-cycle. Using a combination of numerical and analytical techniques to study our model (a coupled system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations), we have tested the model-driven hypothesis that the difference between the behaviour of cancer and normal cells under hypoxic conditions is due to differences in the size-regulated production of p27. We have shown that such a model is consistent with a number of experimental observations
Considering that you want to correlate them in terms of HIF-1 concentration, to my knowledge, as cancer cells have a higher level of ROS compared to their normal counterparts, and high ROS levels are known to stabilize and activate HIF-1 we would expect an already higher concentration of HIF-1 in cancer cells compared to normal cells even before applying similar hypoxic condition which is likely to result in further increase in HIF-1 concentration.