I agree with Dr. Hlil, it is not that easy to determine an unknow material by XRD. If you have practice on XRD should be easier.
The first step is to determine the chemical composition by XRF. In most of cases the results of XRF will help you on XRD.
I don´t know what database that you have on your HighScore, but I suggest a free database called COD, which can be installed on HighScore 3.0 or most recent.
If you want to have an idea about crystallographic structure (cubic/hexagonal/rhombohedral...) you could select all peaks and use IdleAll function. It will try to match the best crystallographic structure to your scan pattern.
when we have a material like ZnO (it is exist in the database ) we can analyze XRD peaks and find reflection planes, suppose we have a material that is not exist in database, how we can find reflection planes?
I agree with Mr Hill, you still can identify to which crystallographic system your compound belongs to by matching it to something else (even if the elements are different but the symmetry is the same you will be able to match them). It is easier to do if you have got only one phase. But if you got impurity phases as well it might complicate your search. Good luck!