Hi everyone,

I would like to characterize changes in the T cell receptor repertoire after ex vivo stimulation with different types of antigens (conventional peptide/MHC, unconventional antigens, superantigens, other unspecific proliferation inductors). Specifically, I would like to simultaneously quantify expansion of T cell types (gamma/delta vs alpha/beta), certain chains (like changes in Vbeta-profiles after SAg stimulation), T cells with (semi-)invariant TCR chains (like Vg9/d2 cells) and single clones (CDR3-sequences), in order to screen unconventional T cell antigens for their effects.

I am very unsure of how to approach this. I can find quite a lot of information on CDR3 sequencing, but most papers either focus only on specific T cell subsets or try to determine the overall TCR diversity in an individual. I still don't know, whether information from CDR3 is sufficient to determine which genes the respective cell used when creating the TCR. Can the CDR3 sequence be linked back to the corresponding alpha, beta, gamma or delta chains or do I need to analyze different regions in order to see, for instance, an expansion of Vbeta2?

Are there universal primers to capture the whole TCR-repertoire within my culture? Currently I intend to rewrite and expand the TCR-RNA in an RT-PCR. How can I ensure that the semi-quantitative nature of RT-PCR is sustained when primers bind to different chains with different affinity? Is there a bias?

I hope you can give me some pointers or "must-reads" for TCR sequencing.

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

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