When I was reading research papers I found that output of blastx file give these type seqence but in my output I only got contigs. By the way I am not doing transcriptome analysis. I am analyzing sra sequnce. Can anyone help me?
A contig is a contigous sequence of DNA assembled from individual reads, interrupted by either repetitive sequences (which form their own contigs; see http://contig.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/contig-graph.jpg, contig 3) or true gaps (no
reads, usually due to regions that were lost during PCR amplification.
In the context of genome assemblies, a singleton is a non-assembled read, usually a contamination or bad quality read. In gene context, it refers to a non-duplicate gene.
Finally. isotig is a term used in Newbler assemblies and denotes one variant within an isogroup. In eukaryotic transcriptome sequencing that usually equals a splice variant. Thus in your case, this should not come into play.
A contig is a contigous sequence of DNA assembled from individual reads, interrupted by either repetitive sequences (which form their own contigs; see http://contig.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/contig-graph.jpg, contig 3) or true gaps (no
reads, usually due to regions that were lost during PCR amplification.
In the context of genome assemblies, a singleton is a non-assembled read, usually a contamination or bad quality read. In gene context, it refers to a non-duplicate gene.
Finally. isotig is a term used in Newbler assemblies and denotes one variant within an isogroup. In eukaryotic transcriptome sequencing that usually equals a splice variant. Thus in your case, this should not come into play.