I'm still having problems with the ELISA of B. pertussis, to be more specific here I leave some of them.

General problem:

-High background

**Specific problems with high background:

Conjugate (AcM anti-IgG) is joining the coating (fetuin)


1. Microtiterplaten Nunc Maxi Sorp (F96 of C96) nieuw (Thermo Scientific,Denmark,cod 439454)

2. Coating: Add 100µl per well of coating solution, incubate for 1 hour at 35oC in a humid chamber.

* Coating solution: fetuin 2mg/ml in 0.1 M Na2CO3 buffer, pH 9.6, incubate 1 hour at 35oC and humid environment.

3. Washing: Wash the plate 4 times with washing buffer.

* Wash buffer: PBS-T 0.05

4. Blocking: Add 150μl per well of blocking solution and incubate for 1 hour at 350C in a humid chamber.

* Blocking solution: 3% skim milk.

5. Application of samples and standard: Incubate for 1 hour at 350C in humid chamber.

* Analyte SN-PRN. Add 100μl per well of a dilution of SN-PT in PBS-T

* Standard Curve. Add 200 ul of standard 1.46 ul / ml PT, first point of the curve. Add to the other wells in that column 100l of PBS-T, serial dilutions 1:2 to the seventh well in the same PBS-T. Antigen using PT.

* Preparation of standard: 0.75 ul standard PT in 200 ul PBS-T

6. Wash the plate 4 times with washing buffer.

7. Primary antibody. Add 100ul per well of polyclonal anti NIBSC Bordetella pertussis PT serum (sheep) (97/572) at a 1:10,000 dilution in PBS-T. Incubate for one hour at 350C in a humid chamber.

* PT 1.2 ul anti 12ml serum in PBS-T

8. Wash the plate 4 times with washing buffer.

9. Conjugate: Add 100ul per well of mAb conjugated sheep anti-IgG peroxidase diluted 1:10 000 in PBS-T-milk 3%. Incubate for 1 hour at 350C in a humid chamber.

* Conjugate: Mix 1.1 ul of conjugate + 11ml milk-PBS-T 3%

10. Wash the plate 4 times with washing buffer.

11. Revealing: Add 100ul per well of developing solution

* Development solution: 10.8 ml of H2O Ac +1.2 ml of 1.1 M pH 5.5 + 0.2 ml of TMB 10mg/ml + 2.4 ul of 30% H2O2.

12. Color development: Incubate for 20 min at room temperature.

13. Detection of the reaction: Add 50 ul of H2O2 2M

* Stop Solution: 80ml of distilled H2O + 10ml of concentrated H2SO4 (98%, density 1.83, about 18M).

14. Read absorbacia at 450nm

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