I want to measure sulfate radicals concentration using dimethyl sulfoxide. Please, can you provide me with a reference for measurement of sulfate radicals using dimethylsulfoxide.
I know a method for measurement of hydroxyl radicals using dimethylsulfoxide. Can I measure sulfate radicals in the same time or it can interfer with the method.
Thanks so much for reply. I know how to quantify OH radicals with DMSO through coupling of generated formaldhyde with 2, 4 dinitrophenyl hydrazine, but I will use peroxymonosulfate and i need to quantify both sulfate and OH radicals using the same procedures. I am afraid of interference of sulfate in the process especially I could not find references that quantify both OH and sulfate radicals using DMSO.
The system will give both sulfate and hydroxyl radicals not hydroxyl radicals only. Please, i can not get the meaning of absolute quantities of OH radicals
I use this reference: Analytica Chimica Acta 527(2004)73