Hi Community,

I would like to perform experiments with healthy PBMC. The thing about PBMC is, apparently, that they don't really proliferate if you don't add some growth factors. And buying one vial of PBMC is easily 100-200 USD, which you don't wanna spend on a single experiment.

I need cells at a final concentration of 1e5 cells/mL. If I buy 10 million cells, I could in principle aliquot like 20 vials, each containing 5e5 cells or so.

So my question is: Can I thaw cells that I buy from a supplier, transfer them in medium, and then aliquot them into individual vials (in DMSO and FBS or so) and freeze again -- or will this result in a (negligible/massive) loss of cells?

Are there other ways to do this? What happens if I add growth factors? Could I in principle proliferate PBMC over several passage numbers by adding growth factors? I am especially interested in the T-cells, which I think should not adhere to the culture flask.

Thanks for your help!


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