Untill now I have always used the Illumina technique for sequencing the V4 region of the 16S rRNA on the Miseq System. Primers targeting the 16S V4 region were designed and tailed with sequences to incorporate Illumina adapters with indexing barcodes, namely 515F/806R (Caporosa et al., 2010).

515 Forward Primer = 5’


806 Reverse Primer = 5’


Recently I have found an application note introducing a protocol for 16S rRNA sequencing targeting the V3 and V4 region, resulting in an amplicon of 459 bp (instead of the 254 bp fragment). As I am interested in the amplicon of 459 bp, I have taken time to investigate the “16S Metagenomic Sequencing Library Preparation” guide. The primers targeting the 16S, V3 and V4 regions are selected from the Klindworth et al. publication (Klindworth et al., 2013).

341 Forward Primer = 5'


805 Reverse Primer = 5'


I would like to recuperate most of the primers for the amplification of the 16S V3 and V4 region.

By this I would like to combine the 341 FP (Klindworth et al., 2013) with the 806 RP (Caporosa et al., 2010), but encountered some difficulties.

Is it possible to mutually use the Illumina adapter sequences of 341 FP and 806 RP?

If not, is it possible to link the 341 FP sequence with the 515 FP Illumina adapter sequence?

As for the reverse primers, the sequences are identical, except for the additional 5’G and 3’CC. Are these additional nucleotides of any importance concerning the amplification of the 16S V3 and V4 region?

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