I am trying to separate phospholipid classes using cyanopropyl column. I noticed that most phospholipid separation method with HPLC used silica column and ELSD as detector. However, at the moment we only have Cyanopropyl column and PDA & RID as detector. At first I used condition explained by Samet et al 1989 (Anal. Biochem. 182: 32-36) using 100% acetontrile and gradient of mixture of acetonitrile:5 mM sodium acetate buffer = 80:20 and used UV detector at 206 nm. However I didn't get any peak, except at very early retention time. So I thought the problem was because the compound are not bound to the column.

So, I tried to search and found out a paper by Olsson et al 2012 ( Lipids. 47: 93-99) who used silica column and ELSD as detector. They used several mobile phase system, including hexane and gradient of polar solvent mixture of toluene, methanol, acetic acid and triethylamine. I tried to use hexane by expecting that since the mobile phase is non polar, the compound of interest will be bound to the column and used gradient of ethanol and isopropanol to elute the compound of interest. The problem is I always get a very high peak around half way of the run. It almost reached maximum absorbance even when I injected solvent only, without any analyte.

Is there anyone who has experience with PL separation using HPLC? at the moment I only have cyanopropyl column and the detector that I have in the lab are RID and PDA.

Thank you in advance.

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