I want to simulate the GFET/GNRFET using TCAD Sentaurus but I am unaware of the parameters to be used and how to define it in the software while working in the Sentaurus Device Editor (SDE).
As far as I know, the material database of the lastest versions of Sentaurus TCAD does not provide support for 2D materials. Therefore, to simulate GFET/GNRFET in Sentaurus TCAD, you can create a new file .par and insert all the physical parameters needed for your type of simulation. You can extract these paramenters from experimental data or for e.g., DFT simulations. I link you a reference paper that use this approach: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://pos.sissa.it/287/052/pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi5nuGRoPT0AhUGCewKHZrDD4QQFnoECBAQAQ&usg=AAOvVaw12BzSa9VchlKdFmW_UrvWf
Notice also that you can use more specific tools to model graphene: RSoft CAD and QuantumATK by Synopsys or free tools like Gollum.