Kindly help me with tutorials on tool path definition. I am working on simulation of incremental sheet metal forming. I need to learn how to vary the forces exerted by tool in horizontal and vertical direction. Any help would be appreciated.
unfortunately ISF tool path ther isn't in CATIA, but maybe the plunge milling can be good
I can suggest these articles
Hirt, G., Ames, J., Bambach, M., Kopp, R., & Kopp, R. (2004). Forming strategies and process modelling for CNC incremental sheet forming. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 53(1), 203-206
Kim, Y. H., & Park, J. J. (2002). Effect of process parameters on formability in incremental forming of sheet metal. Journal of materials processing technology, 130, 42-46.
Kopac, J., & Kampus, Z. (2005). Incremental sheet metal forming on CNC milling machine-tool. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 162, 622-628.
Tool path generation via NC programming would be very easy for SPIF. Are there options in CADEM to export the simulation generated to CATIA. Or simulation generated file is in which formats?