06 June 2014 2 6K Report

Hi guys, I am pretty sure that some strains have similar 16S rRNA sequences but have distinct metabolic repertoires. But I couldn't find any paper discussing about that. If you have a copy of this kind of paper, please send it to me. Thanks :)

I ask this question because I find in my research the diversity derived from functional gene array (GeoChip) is much more greater at phylum level than the 16S rRNA pyrosequencing illustrated (33 phyla vs. 11 phyla). It can be argued that functional gene probes couldn't suggest the exact phylogenetic assignment due to HGT across different species. But Geochip totally outrages 16S rRNA pyrosequencing, though the top 8 abundant phyla are quite similar.

Based on 16S rRNA analysis, betaproteobacteria is the predominant group. Could betaproteobacteria carries lots of genes derived from other phyla?

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